Volunteers Wanted, Your Credit Union Needs You!
Get more involve with Garden Island Federal Credit Union, you’re invited to serve!
Credit Unions are not-for-profit cooperatives owned by their members, with a Board of Directors who oversee the operations. This unique philosophy is what sets your credit union apart from other financial institutions and, without a volunteer Board of Directors, we would not be able to provide low-cost services.
Garden Island Federal Credit Union’s Board of Directors and Committee Members represent the interests of you, our member-owners, and work with the management team to improve your financial quality of life.
If you would like to be more involved with your credit union and have a strong desire to help Garden Island Federal Credit Union continue to grow and succeed, we encourage you to apply for a position on a Committee or on the Board of Directors.
Who Is Eligible To Become A Credit Union Volunteer?
Each year, the Board will appoint a nominating committee who will review a list of nominees for the office of Director or committee member and select the individual(s) who possess the skills and experience necessary for this position.
In order to be selected, candidates must:
Have received at least a high school diploma
Be a member in good standing with the credit union
Be willing to agree to a criminal background check and a credit check
Be 21 years of age or older
There can be minimal traveling involved while conducting credit union business. The Board has authorized reimbursement on such items as: hotel, meals, mileage, and other travel related expenses to those participants.
If you are interested in serving Garden Island FCU in any volunteer leadership capacity, please complete the Volunteer Application Form and submit it to info@gardenislandfcu.com or drop off at our Lihue, Koloa or Kapaa branch.